Dungaree what? Uhu! Dungaree culottes. Now that we’ve seen them in jeans, long and short and skirts, it is also time for dungaree culottes. Tell me, yay or nay?
Okay so I know for fact that men hate culottes. They simply don’t understand why women would want to wear such formless pants. There is nothing fun to it for them. No sex appeal what so ever. But I, myself, have become a huge fan of culottes since I think that it is a wonderful combo of comfy and chique.
Whenever I do not know whether to go for jeans or decent pants, I think: culottes! And they are easy to style for both summer and winter.
“Hate it or love it, I’m wearing my new pants,
Love it or hate it, these pants have their own fans”
But know I found these dungaree culottes. Aren’t they cuteeee? I love the silk-ish fabric and the soft beige color. I must admit that I could’ve gone with a size up, but that’s the thing about ordering online: you never really know until you have it in your hands.
I styled this with a white turtleneck and patchwork denim jacket. What do you think?
Wearing: Missguided dungaree culottes / Asos jacket / Missguided heels / Primark top / La Bante bag / Renard watch
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Photos by Mohamed (Stylemeautivation.com)