Thin knits, thick cotton. It’s time for those transitions again. We are heading for winter and I must say this always feels good to me. I’ve had my wonderful summer. I am ready for hot chocolate on the couch. How about you?
The inspiration for this month shows a lot of beige, rose gold and teal. I think these are romantic and soft colors that can be combined in so many ways, ton sur ton being one of them. And that’s great cause with ton sur ton comes layer on layer: exactly what we are looking for in a nice autumn look, aren’t we?
“Bye to mesh and chiffon.
Hi to knitwear, faux fur and let’s get that leather on!”
As always, I’ve also selected some interior photos for this inspiration post. These make me fantasize about a bigger space of my own. I now live in a small studio, which is ok, but not gives me enough room to live my life the way I’d want to. Just imagine a walk in closet, a bed, a couch, an office, a bathroom and a kitchen on 32 square meters. Yeah, it’s tough!
But whilst I am looking for a bigger home, I indulge myself in the comfort of these inspiring photos. I really cannot wait to shop for a new winter coat, some oversize knits and a good new pair of jeans. Also, I think that some suede pieces wouldn’t do harm this season.
I hope these photos got you inspired as well!
Photos via Tumblr.com
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