Sweater weather
The past few days the weather has been sucky. Is that even a word?
However, rainy, stormy, you know what I mean.
So I really feel like staying at home or going to a cafe
to have a warm chocolate milk and just work my ass off concerning the blog.
Somehow I’m at my best wearing sweaters like this in which I feel
as though I am still laying in my bed.
I really found the perfect one at Lioness fashion cause this
one can be worn in so many ways. Maybe I could do a lookbook video with
it, what do you think?
This time I just wore it like it is: oversized and a little off shoulder.
In stead of making a full outfit post, I thought it would be
better to simply show you this lovely sweater in detail.
Let me know what you think!
Wearing: Lioness fashion sweater (find here)
Photos by Yannick