If you’ve followed me on instagram for a while, you may have seen the hints of blue and pink here and there. Ok this sounds like I am going to pronounce a pregnancy, but hell no haha. Still wearing my crop tops! No… This is just the color scheme that really appeals to me. Sounds simple, but it’s not, coming from the grey… For a long time I didn’t really feel good about my blog and instagram account, but finally I am happy with it again. Let me take you through it…
A few months ago I already described my instagram dip. I was not feeling instagram anymore. The algorithm had messed up my likes and it demotivated me to post. Also, the weather was bad and I had these grey pictures that I didn’t even like myself.
For a long time I did not feel like posting at all and only did it because I had to, cause after all this is my job and social suicide would also mean the end of my blogger career. So I kept posting and in the meanwhile I tried to figure out how I could make all of this more interesting for myself again.
Finally, I feel like I am back on track again and I actually start to dig what I do again. I think it’s important to myself to figure out what happend, cause I really want to stay on my grind now. Ok, so of course there are some things that I can’t control. The weather is one of such things. If the weather is bad, pictures will always turn out worse… But more changes have been made by myself.
I think I have found myself back on a higher level. This may sound weird, but I feel like I have been dragged to a place where my photos became too commercial and my fashion sense didn’t really come to it’s right because I was simply taking 90% of the offers I got.
Nowadays, I am much more in control of the projects I work on. I choose to invest all my time and effort in the jobs that really matter to me, in brands that I believe in and in projects that I think I will benefit from just as much as the brand I am doing it with. This has really helped me a lot. Finding out that my instagram looks best to me within this blue pinkish color scheme is just an extra.
I really love where this is going and hope it may inspire you!
Wearing: ST Studio crop trenchcoat / Vintage shorts / Public Desire boots