August is almost coming to an end and as you may know, September is the January in fashion… Stores and webshops are about to take away their sales items to make room for the pre-fall collection. And all we can do, is just go with the flow…
So here I am, wearing a not too summer-ish look. If it wasn’t for the sunnies and the heels, I could also wear this look in October. But hey, I am just transitioning. I always find this an exciting time, cause I am curious about what fashion trends are coming in the next season. Also, I secretly like the fact that I can now put on some extra layers again.
Oh stop! Not that fast… Let’s stick to August and late summer for a while, and just think of the comfortable news it brought us. For example, these jogging jeans! Denim that feels like joggers, what an invention! I found these at Pepe jeans. At first, I didn’t really think that the look of it would appeal to me, but when I wore it for the first time, what was I to do but never wanting to take it off again!? Personally, I wouldn’t wear these to a party, cause they look too casual, but these are the best stay-at-home jeans I have ever worn. And to know that there are also some skinny jeans available in this fabric, makes me very happy!
I paired the jeans to this ruffle top and sequined jacket. I had these laying in my closet for a while and could not believe I hadn’t showed it to you anytime sooner. To finish the look I chose these white heels and added sunglasses from Triwa. Maybe you knew already, but I only recently found out that Triwa sells more than beautiful watches. And these sunnies are so cool and classy. I think that the mirror glasses and white frame would do good in both summer and winter, which brings me back to the title of this post…
“Transitions, transitions,
they come with decisions,
but spring, summer, winter or fall,
these are keepers for once and for all…”
Was that too tacky? Haha… Let me know what you think of the look!
Wearing: Monki top / Asos jacket / Pepe Jeans / Triwa sunglasses / Primark heels