When I first bought a camera, I had no clue what so ever about what the most important factors would be. I thought that if I would simply buy one of the most expensive professional cameras I would be good to go. Nowadays I know better. Instead of focusing on the body of the camera I have learnt to focus on the lens that you attach to it. And this can really do something for your photos when it comes to sharpness, focus and depth of field (or say, a blurry background also known as the bokeh effect).
As you may have noticed from one of my previous blog tips posts, I have come a long way when it comes to cameras. I started with a simple digital camera, whilst these days I often work with my Olympus PEN E-PL7 camera. Not only is this camera super cute and compact, and thus easy to take along when I am traveling. It is also the type of camera that makes beautiful photos and videos!
The kit lens that comes with this camera is the 14-42mm lens. It’s a good lens for wide angles; sharp and with a nice zoom option. However, I would always advice to have a micro or marco lens besides a zoom lens for portrait and outfit photography of another kind, or another level if you will!
For a long time I had been looking at some other big bloggers and wondered: “What is it about their photos that makes it look so fresh, so sharp and so professional?” I didn’t really understand it, until I started using my 45mm lens more often (especially during Paris Fashion Week this season). Then I realized that obviously, it can be depth of field that does the trick in making professional outfit, travel and detail shots.
For the Olympus PEN, the 45mm lens it the way to go when it comes to such pictures. It’s funny how many people who went through my instagram feed after Paris Fashion Week, all pointed towards the same picture and went “what a stunning picture”. This picture, my darlings, was back then the only picture that I had made with the 45mm lens. I am sure that it wasn’t just me or the outfit which had them all mesmerized, it was definitely in the details of the picture itself and the quality of the photo.
The benefits of the 45mm lens at a glance: 1) it is incredibly sharp; you won’t lose any details of the item you focus on by using this lens, 2) autofocus works fast and correct, which is handy when you are shooting moving objects, 3) unlike most other lenses, there doesn’t seem to be a flare when you shoot against the sun, 4) the olympus PEN also gives the touch screen option of just clicking on the screen to immediately focus on what you point at and actually make the picture at the same time! Understand why I am so in love with this lens?
I have especially been experimenting with this lens during my trips to Paris, Berlin, Japan & China (see results above). I cannot wait to make some more snaps with the perfect bokeh effect here in Amsterdam as well.
Let me know what you think!
In this post: Olympus PEN E-PL7 camera / Olympus PEN 45mm 1:1.8 lens
Photos by me, Lily & Reinder
In association with Olympus