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On the hunt

Wearing: Machine jeans, Fejé top, Asos coat (alternative here), Topshop boots, SoNize bag

This autumn I decided to buy only the necessary.
I wanted at least enough outerwear; coats and boots.
So I looked around some webshops and kept the things I
liked im my mind for a while. Then, when I felt ready to
actually pass on to my winter wardrobe, I attempted to buy these things.
Among my wishlist were this parka and these boots.
Unfortunately they were both sold out at the time I wanted to order.
GRRR. That really feels like a slap in the face to me.
And you must know that when I want something, I get it.
So, the hunting began. I kept refreshing the websites, hoping
that my size would come back in stock.
In the end, perseverance killed the game!
Lucky me, I am so happy with my coat.
What do you think? Worth the waiting?

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