28. I’ve already gotten used to it. The past few years it’s been like weeks before my actual birthday I start adjusting, almost like I am surrendering to the new age. And every year, this one too, I am writing down how it feels to turn another age, turn another page. Not only for you guys to relate (or not), but also for myself. I bet that it must be super fun to read this as the 35-year old Larissa…
Ok so, let’s begin with 28. To me it’s not really that big of a deal, although it does sound a lot more adult-ish than 27. I must say that it feels like every year I’ve had more and more responsibilities coming my way, or at least, that’s what it feels like.
I think that 28, more than any other age, is the year on which I have so many things changing around me. There could not be a greater gap between on the one hand my 20-something year old friends who just moved out and graduated and on the other hand my 30-ish friends who bought their first house, are getting married and are having their first or second child. Damn. I really feel like the in-betweenie here. And I totally am, I mean… I have a nice home, but way too small. I have been dating a guy for a long while, whom I still don’t call my boyfriend. It’s my job that is the most stable here. And I am an entrepreneur. Hello?
But I don’t feel like panicing at all. I am sure that everything will fall into place before I hit 30. And that being said, there is no problem. I think it’s funny how younger friends are starting to make jokes “Oohh… not much looking forward to your birthday huh?! Yeah… You are getting old and wrinkled”. I have long passed that stage! I was more anxious about turning 24 than I am turning 28.
Like I mentioned in the 2 years before: I feel like I can be proud of myself, of what I’ve accomplished and of where I stand today. I am living my dream job and dream life. Sometimes I wish I could have a look into the future and see what it holds for me, see if indeed everything will go the way I hope along the timeline I have in mind. But then I look at the here and now and I know that this is exactly where I want to be right now. And that’s something to be thankful for.
So 35-year old Larissa, when you read this, I hope you can look into the past and see that you were happy and I hope you can look at the now of then and be happy as well cause all we have is now. Ok, let’s not get sentimental. You’ve never been the winy type. So just drink to this & enjoy life. Oh and promise me, you’ll keep wearing that Chanel bag cause I am sure you’ll have one or several by now mu ha ha…
Wearing: Zara floral suit / Zara corset belt / shoes