Sometimes I feel like I gotta stand still for a second and breath. Then, think and be thankful. Cause there’s a lot to be thankful for…
When I grew up as a little kid, I would’ve never thought that I would become what I am today. I would have never n-e-v-e-r thought that I would become an entrepreneur, let alone one who would work all on her own. As a child I wanted to become a teacher and later an actress. A blogger? Haha… That word didn’t even exist!
Also, I am not the type of girl that knew she wanted to be in fashion since primary school. However, I was always aware of my clothes and fashion was something my mum and sis learned me a lot about. They always insisted on how important it was to dress nicely and I had no problem following their footsteps except for the period between my 6th and 10th. Back then, I only wanted to wear pants, no skirts!, cause I was kind of a tomboy playing outside with my brother.
As I grew older I started to appreciate skirts and dresses more and started to embrace my feminine curves, always trying to wear clothes that fitted my body type and made me feel good and comfortable. Having a blog made me realize even more the importance of clothing. It’s not all there is, of course, but it’s logical that people feel better when they dress well. And I really enjoy dressing up for others to inspire them. On the other hand, I love being inspired by others as well.
The past few weeks I have been crazy busy with my blog and although it feels as if my head is going to explode one of these days, I am so so thankful for all of the chances and opportunities that have come along. (I am literally so thankful that it amazes me how fast I am writing this article. Words come out fluently. Guess all of this comes from close to my heart.) Being as busy as I was these weeks, I barely had the time to stand still and just be thankful. So that’s what I am doing right now.
Reason why all this came up, is also because I am looking to this outfit in which I am wearing one of my newest bags from Janiko. This bag is my favorite at the moment and I take it everywhere. All of my important stuff fits in, from my phone to my macbook and my camera. And still it looks compact and sophisticated. I am really crazy about it, cause it’s a great finishing touch to outfits when I have to carry a lot with me but don’t want to look like a hobo. I have a lot more items from this brand I recently stumbled upon, so stay tuned! Oh, and what about the sunnies… Aren’t they amazing?
Wearing: Primark crop top / DIY jeans / J by Janiko bag* / Primark heels / ZeroVintage sunnies*
All items with * were gifted to me