HAPPY NEW YEAR! to every single one of you who ever took a look on my website (and hopefully went “hey, I like this”…) I hope 2016 will be a wonderful year for all of you, with loads of love, happiness, health, laughter and succes. In this post I will write down my resolutions, up for a great new year!
With things like “be less indecisive”, “balance work and fun” and “spend more time with family and friends” on last year’s list, I think I can say that most of these things have gone very well. I am still working on it, but I really think that writing down my new year’s resolutions helped me to remember and live by them. So here I go again, hopefully inspiring all of you…
* More work outs
This was not on my list last year, because I thought that I didn’t need it. I have always been slim and never really did a thing for it. But the past few years I have been noticing a major difference between my weight during winter and summer. Although I always get back to normal, I think it may be time to regularly work out and keep my body fit at all times. Especially since I looked back on a post from 2 years back and did not recognize the “legs for days”. Want them back! This year!
* Early mornings
Since I am a fulltime blogger, I work for myself and have no boss waiting to get mad at me when I arrive at 9.05 in the morning. Lucky me, you’d think! And yes, I am. Normally I wake up slowly, tossing and turning in my bed, then checking instagram for at least half an hour, before I get up. Sometimes I even get up with a serie while eating my breakfast. I must say that mornings like those are delicious. But they are also the reason why I work til late and sometimes feel like half of my day is gone before I get started. I need to get up earlier and start with work right away.
* Structurize everything
“Structurize” may not be a word, but it’s gonne be my magic word this year. I’m planning to get more structure in my blogs, videos, and even in my traveling and instagram feed. Planning is going to be important, I guess, for I really want to be as productive as possible.
* Be peaceful and content
I’m a real control freak and that makes me a perfectionist. But fortunately, with time being scarce the last year, I have learnt to make decisions faster and accept when things are good in stead of perfect. Way to go for 2016!
* Get it together
This one is all-encompassing. I can be a mayhem sometimes. Sometimes my home is a mess, my thoughts are chaotic and my nail polish is chipped. I would really want for myself to get a grip on such tiny things in life that don’t seem to be important, but in fact are. Cause looking at my nails when they are perfectly done, can really make me feel happy. Hello Shallow! But that’s not something to change in 2016, haha…
“If I’d skip new year’s resolutions,
I would have no reason for end of the year’s confusions…”
What will be your new year’s resolutions? Oh and let me know what you think of this wonderful dress! Sorry for the shoes, I forgot to bring decent high heels when I went over to my boyfriend to photograph this party look in advance (I mean, get it together right?!)…
Wearing: Virgos Lounge dress / New Look shoes / Vintage earrings / Primark box clutch
Photos by Reinder