When you think of Mercedes Benz, what do you think of? (Ok ok besides fashion week of course)… After this blogpost and seeing the video your thoughts may different, at least mine are ever since the video was shot. A few weeks ago I was asked for a test drive with Mercedes Benz and I must say that it was quite an experience! Let me tell you all about it…
When I think of Mercedes Benz the first word that pops up in my mind is luxe. The second word is shine, as being a visual person I can totally see a shiny car when I think of the brand. The third word is one which I can only recently add to the list and it’s ‘fun’! I think that Mercedes Benz, being the main sponsor for fashion week is the kind of car any person would like to show up and off in. But what I had not know was that it would be so fun to drive a car like that.
Although I was super anxious at the beginning (I mean, it’s worth a lot!) I really had a fun ride. Personally, I am a huge fan of being able to personalize everything from my phone to my diary, so a car is just like that. Being able to change the ambiance colors of the car to pink, I was totally feeling the vibe. But even though I loved it, I didn’t just stay in the car…
With the Benz I drove to Utrecht, a bubbly city in the heart of The Netherlands where first I went to the atelier by Ajbilou & Rosdorff, a designer duo of which I had seen a show during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week amsterdam. It was lovely to meet them in person and chit chat about their latest collection, dreams and developments. They also told me about this small boutique in which they will soon be represented called Puha, which I also visited after having lunch at Ted’s.
It was a super nice and fashionable day. I think the video below will give you a good impression of my #fashionabledrive. Super curious about your thoughts!
In association with Mercedes Benz
Read more about the campaign here!